Monday, August 17, 2009

Growing Up...

Colin had his first real illness last week, double ear infection. He was such a trooper. Although all is well now. While we were on vacation in Hilton Head, Colin said Ma Ma and last week he started with Da Da. Now he has no idea what those words mean or that he is even saying any words. However Rob and I are in heaven every time he says them.

This past weekend Colin was lucky enough to spend time with his cousins, Aubrey and Austin. We had so much fun watching the planes at the Air and Water Show and visiting with friends and relatives. Also yesterday Colin learned to stick his tongue out! He spent the whole day cracking us all up by sticking out his tongue at us. Imagine 4 grown adults walking around sticking our tongues out at this little boy who would mimic us and then we would all crack up. He is just so darn cute! As soon as I can catch it on film, I will post it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Vacation

We had a really great time on vacation in Hilton Head. Colin was able to experience some new things such as plane rides, the beach and the pool. His favorite however by far was the Turtle Pool where he would sit and play with the spouting water. We officially have a water rat. Colin really enjoyed his time in the pool and the beach. We can't believe how fast the week went.

I love my Daddy!

Colin at the Beach for the first time

Family Picture

Colin at the Turtle Pool

Crazy Aunt Becky :)

I love the water!

Colin and his Buds, Macey and Piglet

Colin and Aunt Becky and a cute puppy in the background.

6 Month Frog Picture

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Colin playing before bedtime.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


Friday, June 19, 2009


4 Month Frog Picture

First Swing Ride and he loved it! He squealed and smiled the whole time.

Josh Gausman and Colin

Colin's first official taste of solids. As you can tell he wasn't initially sure about the rice cereal.

"Okay, this stuff isn't half bad..."

"Gimmie that spoon, you aren't feeding me fast enough. Yum, yum!"

We can't believe that Colin will be 6 months next weekend! He loves peek-a-boo and laughs out loud when you play it with him. He has starting putting his feet in his mouth and his favorite songs are itsy-bitsy spider and patty-cake. Those songs guarantee a big smile. Plus Colin has started noticing that he has "furry" brothers running around his home.